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7 Steps Towards a Positive Mindset

We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking; so much so that it has almost become a little cliché.

However, the physical and mental benefits of a positive mindset have been proved real and demonstrated by many scientific studies. It can give you confidence, mood improvement, and even reduce hypertension, depression, and other stress-related disorders.


It all sounds great, but what is it really about?

Positive imagery, self-talk, or general optimism perhaps, but these are all still ambiguous concepts.

If you really want to harness the power of positive thinking, you’ll need concrete examples like these 7 steps to help you through the process:


1. Start your day with positive affirmations

How you start your mornings sets the tone for the rest of the day. Talk to yourself in the mirror, and say things like “today will be a great day”, or “I’m going to be awesome today”… as silly as it may sound, it works!

2. Focus on the good things, no matter how small

There’s no such thing as a perfect day. Whenever you encounter a challenge, make an effort and focus on the benefits, no matter how slight or unimportant they seem.


3. Face the world with humor

Even in the face of the darkest situations, allow yourself to experience humor. Almost every situation will make for a good story later on, so why not start laughing at that now?


4. Turn failures into learning opportunities

You are always going to make mistakes and go through a failure experience in multiple scenarios throughout your life. Instead of focusing on those experiences as failures, think about all the things you’re learning from them.


5. Transform your self-criticism into an Inner Coach

 We all tend to turn our inner voice into a relentless critic who barely skins us alive. Whenever you find yourself doing that, change the criticism into positive advice based on your current experience; it will be a game-changer.


6. Be here and now

It means the present moment, not this day, or this hour. Evaluate whatever is happening on a present time basis; don’t assume anything about the future, don’t add the weight of the past experiences. Focus only on this one individual moment and you’ll find in most cases it’s not as bad as you thought it would be.


7. Surround yourself with positive, nurturing people

When you’re surrounded by positive people, you get positive feedback, ideas, alternatives, and solutions. These type of input will sink in and affect your own line of thinking.

Finding such a positive kind of people can be hard, but it’s necessary in order to eliminate the negativity in your life before it consumes you.


Always look for ways to contribute with positivism to others, and let their positivity affect you the same way.

Apply these lessons to your life and increase your positive attitude; it will offer compounding returns, and the more often you practice it, the greater the benefits you will harvest.







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