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Fear is Contagious, but so is Calm

Can you keep cool when everything around you is in turmoil?

Have you been so afraid you couldn’t think or move? Have you ever felt irrational fear or panic?

Extreme fear makes us freeze both our minds and our bodies; and it makes us lose control over our emotions. When this fear extends over time, it makes simple, everyday tasks feel like an impossible goal.

Learning how to get rid of anxiety is essential to living a normal life so we’re not tied down by hesitation and distress.

We have things to take care of, goals and dreams; and it’s likely we have people who depend on us too, whether it is because we’re parents, teachers, community or business leaders, people will look up to us and mimic our behavior. If we’re doing it right, they are going to do it right as well, or even better. But if we’re doing it wrong, they are going to tank. Guaranteed.

Fear is a contagious emotion; I we have it, suddenly everyone around us will have it as well. we can’t just run around running like a chicken with its head cut off, screaming at people or pulling our hairs like mad men; no one can perform like this.

Fear is contagious, but so is calm. If we keep your head, others around us are going to keep theirs too.

This is a great gift, particularly for a leader. We might be churning under the water, but on the surface, we got that calm for others to see and imitate; and guess what? After a time, it also gets to us! We also get infected by it.

We can get rid of that fear and anxiety.

This type of fear we’re all experiencing these days is just another way we make meaning of the world around us. When we’re in a dangerous or stressful situation, fear and anxiety are extremely useful emotions; they heighten our senses and prepare us for “fight or flight”. But if we’re just living our day-to-day lives, these emotions are not so helpful.

Everyone deals with fear differently. You may never get rid of fear entirely, but you can learn how to handle anxiety so it doesn’t control our lives; we can feel the fear and do things anyway.

So, how can we do it?

We can change our physical state, changing our focus, the way we move, the scenery and getting our heart rate up with some kind of exercise can often be enough to give us the clarity we need.

Create and maintain healthy habits. Our minds and physical bodies are deeply connected. We need to cut out bad habits that only mask the real causes of our anxiety.

Learn relaxation techniques. Meditation is proven to reduce anxiety, depression and even physical pain. It trains your brain to live in the moment, letting go of the past and not worrying about the future.

Finally, learn how to leverage our fear. One of the best ways to defeat anxiety is to understand how to leverage fear. Successful people are also afraid, only they are more afraid of what they’d miss if they don’t do whatever it takes in order to live a rich, fulfilling life. Instead of being crippled by fear and anxiety, they use it to fuel their actions further toward the achievement of their goals.

Think about that.

Stay safe, stay strong.


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