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4 Elements to Ensure Your Uber-like App is Accessible for Disability Needs

Advancements in technology do not merely mean crazy new technologies associated with artificial intelligence or augmented reality. Advancements also must coincide with accessibility needs. Being disabled in today’s society, should no longer be deemed a struggle, as the world is developing more and more technologies to assist those in need.

When it comes to commuting and using popular apps like Uber, accessibility for the disabled must be a top priority. This should not extend to just wheelchair accessible options, but also sight and/or hearing-impaired accessibility. When building an app like Uber for instance, you must ensure you have a wide scope of needs that are able to be fulfilled. 

4 Ways to Develop an Accessible App: 

1. Voice Assistant 

This is a feature that is crucial for the blind population. Traveling should not be any more strenuous than it already is, thus Uber-like services must integrate easy access to bring down the stress. 

It is integral to implement an easy way to use such apps and to be able to easily book rides. The best way to do so is a feature like voice assistance to speak into the app where they wish to go and receive voice responses back confirming rides and arrival times. 

This would not solely benefit the blind population, but anyone with difficulty in operating a smartphone. 

2. Special Requests

Special requests must be handled appropriately with those who have a disability, as often there will be certain requirements for the ride. For example, wheelchair needs must be fulfilled; there should be numerous vehicles which are able to accommodate this.

Sometimes things like cushions are also required to make the ride as comfortable as possible. Having a disability should not be an inability for the rest of the world, adjust and evolve towards those who need it. 

3. Discounts 

Unfortunately, having a disability has caused discrimination in the workplace, or some are not able to work at all. Meaning relying on low income or government aid to live, but living also requires moving around from place to place; this is where these uber-like apps come in. 

Offering discounts to those with a disability is not only a convenience, but also a necessity oftentimes. Discounts would allow these riders to travel comfortably and independently, and of course continuously use your service - any form of great customer service is always a positive. 

Affordability should be a must in this industry. 

4. Safe and Supportive Measures 

Safety is always important, whether for disability needs or not, it should be the service’s top priority always. Features like location sharing should be implemented so the rider can feel safe while being driven by a stranger because they’re able to share real-time location with those they trust. 

An emergency feature like direct calling to 911 should also be integrated into your ride-sharing application. Supporting disability needs is crucial in today’s world. Make your app stand out and be the one to make those who need extra, feel safe. 

Ready to take the next step? 

These key aspects will not only benefit those with a disability, but anyone in general considering using your app. If you need assistance developing such an app, ISU Corp is ready to help you take your next step! Contact us today for the best custom software development.