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Entrepreneurship in 2022: Are You Ready?

Being an entrepreneur these days is a career that can set you up for an amazing life while benefiting people’s lives too. The past couple of years hit the world hard, changing the ways we communicate to dominantly digital methods. It has changed a lot, especially the way we shop and consume media. Entrepreneurship is increasingly being adopted, the United States alone saw a 95% increase in applications to start a business in 2020. People are becoming more tech-savvy and comfortable in the online world which is allowing them to see new opportunities. If you are looking to join this category, or are in the process, it will be worthwhile to see how you can prepare yourself and your business for this new market.

We don’t know what 2022 has in store for us, what we can count on is that the attitudes towards online services are here to stay. Consumers are looking for things that make their life easier, filling that need is the job you sign up for as an entrepreneur. It’s a big responsibility, are you ready for it? If so, here are some things to keep in mind as you start the year:

Look Out For New Trends:

Trends come and go, but these past years have brought concepts that may be here to stay. Contactless services have dominated in revenue, food delivery especially while access to restaurants is limited. Uber Eats specifically dominated food delivery service during the lockdown and helped restaurants significantly. When we were slowly introduced back into the opening phase, some protocols were helpful to keep us safe. One exceptional tool is QR codes, a piece of technology barely staying relevant before the pandemic that became an incredibly helpful resource. While convenience is one thing, it is a much more sustainable option compared to printed menus.

A switch to remote work has changed a lot for people, the majority of which enjoy the change as they’ve found it to promote work-life balance. Something else important to consider is the hiring process for individuals, as now you cannot physically meet with someone. Ensuring those that you hire are capable of operating effectively in an online environment is crucial to an effective business in 2022.

Prioritize Your Brand and Messaging:

Customer service is of vital importance, always take the time to ensure the standards are set for the optimal customer experience. Put yourself in the position of a consumer. Is what you're offering something that you’d invest (time or money) in? How would it appeal to your target audience? Take the time to examine your brand and the public image you’re reflecting, stand for something you believe in.

With cancel culture being so prominent, ensure your messaging is well put together and won’t create opportunities for negative backlash. How many times did we see brands take heat from simply not reviewing their message? No matter how established a brand is, they are not immune to this. It will be valuable to spend time carefully wording your messages and looking to mitigate opportunities for accusations.

Look For Expansion Opportunities:

As an entrepreneur and a business owner, it feels natural to want to achieve everything under your brand’s title alone. However, in today's market, opportunities are abundant to partner with brands that align with your vision and goals. It's important not to shy away from this. Consumers love the collaboration between brands and it could make your business stand out. It doesn’t matter how new your brand is, two teams will share more opportunities and opinions allowing you to learn and grow together.

Embrace Company Culture:

The people who work with and for you should feel free to express themselves in the workplace. Prioritizing company culture by making the workplace an enjoyable setting will have employees engaged and passionate about their work. Companies like Zappos have had great success with this in their business. Going into 2022, this will be a large determiner in the success of companies.


The shift to online has made a significant impact on the way business is conducted, and the way a workplace functions. While the adjustment continues and new businesses arise, the lessons we’ve learned from these years will be helpful to any entrepreneur looking to enter this market.

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