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The 10 Best Python Frameworks For Web Development

The python language has been rapidly growing in the computer software industry. It has become a leader for web development, with many believing it will overtake Java and C#. 

Python is composed and an interactive programming language meaning it's easy to learn and read. We have compiled a list of the best python frameworks for web development to help kickstart your journey.



One of the older python frameworks and it has proven to be quick and stable. It has its own multi-hung serves and its open source. It can do anything that a web framework can do, such as file uploads, cookies, static, etc. As well, it enables programmers to develop a web app similar to any object-oriented python program meaning development to smaller code takes less time. 


Key Features of CherryPy

  • A consistent, HTTP/1.1-compliant, WSGI thread-pooled webserver

  • Easy to run various HTTP servers at once

  • Runs on Python 2.7+, 3.5+, PyPy, Jython, and Android

  • A powerful configuration system for developers and deployers alike

  • Built-in profiling and coverage



This is a free and open-source framework that lets you build apps quickly. It assists you in building a web application and is excellent for the quick development of APIs. It has a wide assortment of libraries and less need for coding. 

Key Features of Django

  • Helps you to define patterns for the URLs in your app

  • Built-in authentication system

  • The automatic admin interface feature enables the functionality of editing, adding, and deleting things with customization

  • Cache framework accompanies multiple cache mechanisms



This is a versatile framework that is great for both easy and challenging projects. It has excellent transparency and measured quality, making it trusted amongst the most experienced Python developers. 


Key Features of Pyramid

  • Can run both small and large apps

  • URL mapping based on Routes configuration through URL dispatch and WebHelpers

  • HTML structure validation and generation

  • All-embracing templating and asset details

  • Testing, support, and comprehensive data documentation

  • Flexible authentication and approval


This framework will give you an agile development experience and an open-source framework to speed up your development process. Developers have access to a range of libraries and networks. 

Key Features of Grok

  • A powerful object database for storage

  • Integrated security to ensure your application and grant access to specific users

  • Helps developers lessen the unpredictability of development

  • Gives you the building blocks and other essential assets to develop custom web applications for business needs



This framework differs from other frameworks we have discussed by instead being data-driven. This allows developers to build a web application with little setup. TurboGears empowers web designers to smooth out Python site improvement using different JavaScript advancement devices. You can create web applications with the assistance of components a lot quicker than other existing systems.

Key Features of TurboGears

  • All features are executed as function decorators

  • Multi-database support

  • Accessible command-line tools

  • MVC-style architecture and PasteScript templates

  • ToscaWidgets to ease the coordination of frontend design and server deployment



This framework is accessible under the BSD License. They have designed the framework to help you easily develop a strong web application base. It's also designed for applications that are specifically open-ended and is best for small and easy projects. 

Key Features of Flask

  • Built-in development server and debugger

  • Integrated unit testing support

  • 100% WSGI 1.0 compliant

  • Multiple extensions are provided by the community that eases the integration of new functionalities



If you want to develop a framework that can hold many simultaneous clients, then this is the framework for you. It has a non-blocking framework I/O and unravels the C10K issue, which means you can have 10,000 plus simultaneous connections. 


Key Features of Tornado

  • Allows implementation of 3rd-party authentication and authorization schemes

  • It offers high-quality output

  • Support for interpretation and localization

  • User authentication support and Web templates



This framework, formerly known as Zope 3, is best for medium and big projects. It is a seasoned framework that meets the essentials of enduring, relentless, and adaptable programming. 

Key Features of Bluebeam

  • Unit and functional testing frameworks

  • The basic mechanism for plugged security approaches

  • An XHTML-compliant language for developing templates

  • A tool for automatically generating forms



This framework allows you to write python in its true form since it's developed in traditional technology. The logic consists of python classes and functions. They have three versions; however, versions 3 and 2 are the ones that are currently still maintained. 

Key Features of Quixote

  • Flexible and straightforward design with session management API.

  • Library of functions to assist in the development and analysis of an HTML form.

  • HTML templates are written in Python-like syntax and can be imported just like another Python code.

  • Works with any web server that supports CGI or Fast CGI

  • Supports Apache’s mod_python

  • SCGI protocol is also supported



Initially developed for web APIs, this is the best web small-scale framework. This framework allows you to work much closer to the hardware, just like Flask. It's great for building simple apps and overall just learning python frameworks. 

Key Features of Bottle

  • Spotless and dynamic URL-routes for mapping by using simplified syntax.

  • The WSGI framework works with CGI and WSGI internals is easy.

  • Permits easy access for data, cookies, file uploads, and other HTTP-related metadata.

  • Speed optimizations for testing and high performance


For information on how you can get started on web development, feel free to reach out, and a representative will get back to you shortly.