
The Honour and Privilege of Serving our Community


At ISU Corp, we want to share with you that it has been and will continue to be both an honour, and a privilege to have had the opportunity to serve our community and its various charitable activities for over 10 years now; it’s amazing the progress we’ve witnessed during that time.

Through the combined effort of volunteer and civic groups, and many active business leaders we’ve been able to inspire in others –and constantly in ourselves as well!– a sense of awareness and a strong commitment to making a difference; and the results we see are incredible.

We truly enjoy being part of all this transformation and growth, and we want to thank all of those who have made it possible:

Thank you with all our hearts; you are among the greatest rewards of our work.


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Turn Your Beliefs into Rocket Fuel


Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.
- Henry Ford

As Ford so correctly stated, your beliefs can limit or boost your potential. Whether you start off with “I don’t think I could do that”, or with “If it can be done, then I can do it”, that’s your choice; but it will impact directly in your potential, and consequently, in your results.


There is a cyclic relationship between beliefs, potential, action, and results.

Your beliefs control the way you tap into your potential; this potential will determine the intensity of your actions, your actions then will determine your results, and those results will add to your beliefs.


No matter the task at hand, you get what you expect.
Success breeds success, and failure breeds more failure.


If you expect failure, you limit yourself and what you can do right from the start, you’re telling your brain to expect failure, thus signaling your nervous system to respond in a certain way; you limit your potential by limiting your capability to take action – you won’t try hard enough…

You might say “I’ll try, but I don’t think it’s going to work”…
Forget about that, the “I’ll try” It’s the battle cry of the wimp.

Your actions will be uncertain, weak, incongruent, and hesitant, thus limiting your beliefs even more.

You limit your frame of reference, and you limit your ability to learn and grow and to realize your full potential.

It’s a classic downward spiral.


The opposite is also true. You can start with great expectations so w you e can amplify our ability to create great results; so instead of limiting yourself, you empower yourself.

When you believe with every beat of our heart that you will succeed, you tap into a good deal of potential, so you’re excited, energized, you’re full of high expectations; so your actions and results will be great too. Each success creates more belief and momentum to succeed on a greater scale each turn of the cycle!


That doesn’t mean you won’t screw up from time to time, but if you can learn to bounce back up every time, you would become more resourceful, and you will rig the game in our favor.

If you can maintain empowering belief systems no matter what, you will keep coming back with enough action and resourcefulness, eventually, you will succeed.



What is one challenge in your life where, if you chose to adopt a new belief about it, you could dramatically change your results?

Think about it…



Stay strong.





One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

The Fascinating Power of Self-Confidence


Let’s talk about confidence.

Not as a memory of what it once used to be, but its current state. Let’s talk straight about it, objectively…

When was the last time you literally jumped out of bed in an exciting mood and made even Mondays tremble before your will power?

Now, think about the opposite; how about those times when you need to be splashed with a bucket of cold water to get you out of bed?


The way you feel on any given day is the direct result of your physiological state, your mental state, and even your emotional state.

When you recreate your stress and anxiety, you perpetuate a life of depression, so you end up believing that, no matter what you do, everything is going bad; and that whatever you might do, you will doing it wrong.

Your confidence will take a big hit, and with it, your Success/Doom cycle gets influenced.


Let me explain:

Every time you undertake any task in life, you go through a cycle in which you first tap into your Potential. Such Potential is limitless, but it gets easily influenced by our Beliefs; if you don’t believe something is going to work –let’s say you had a poor previous experience, how much of that Potential do you think you are going to tap? Probably not too much, right?

And you’re not going to feel so certain about it, and perhaps even a little fearful…

So, with that little Potential available for you at the time, are you going to take the required Massive Action on that matter?

Again, no.

So, with that little Potential, taking such a poor Action, what kind of Results are you going to get?

Lousy Results, most likely; and that Results in a way will come to “confirm” your Beliefs that “it’s not going to work”, so you’d probably go “see? I told you it wasn’t going to work”…

So the next time you need to start this Cycle, your Beliefs are even more negative, and there you go again, spiraling down and down.


Here’s the good news: this Cycle works the other way as well.

If you consistently feel gratitude, joy, contentment, and love, you’re directly affecting your Beliefs, moving your life into an amazing, positive state in which nothing really bothers you.
You tap purely into your Potential because, hey! You can make anything happen!

You move through your day with purpose, taking Massive Action to complete your tasks with enthusiasm, thus, creating extraordinary results –which can be either the achievement of goals or the learning experience of valuable life lessons.


This is the way you create an outstanding self-confidence.
When you’re in control of your emotions, you influence your actions directly.
When you’re fueled by a sense of well-being, and trust, you radiate calm and happiness; and those around you can feel it and will react to it accordingly.


Confidence is not something you’re born with or just happens to have, it’s something you create.

It is the feeling of certainty that you can accomplish whatever you set out to do.

Like any other emotion or skill, all you need is to train yourself, so you can access it and use it to your advantage at will.


Practice tapping into confidence more and more each day, and begin to believe in yourself.


Decide today that you’re going to be more confident, and positive and you’ll have no other choice but to succeed.

Stay strong!


One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit