3 Things to Tell Yourself Today — ISU Corp

3 Things to Tell Yourself Today


Progress is only possible through change, and those who can change their minds can change anything.

You are the architect of your own destiny; and as such, you have to make sure you’re using the greatest tool you have at your disposal: your inner voice.

This inner voice can help you quiet down the external negative voices, boost your confidence, and help you navigate and learn from the ever-present obstacles.

If your inner voice is currently echoing the negative external chorus of pessimists, you need to reprogram your thinking process by telling yourself these three things:


Let’s do it now.

Procrastination is like quicksand; if left unchecked, it will pull you inside and leave you crippled with indecision. You’ll end up making excuses after excuses that will shut down your dream in the end. If you make it ok to do nothing, that’s exactly what you will end up achieving; nothing.

Allow your inner voice to motivate you all day long, and commit to your dream with a sense of happy urgency.

Remember, the difference between “should have” and “have done” is planning and action; so become your own coach and don’t take a no for an answer, especially from yourself.


I deserve this

If you allow your dreams to crash, or let opportunities for personal growth or improvement pass up; if you are settling for anything less than the success you dream about, then you should ask yourself why is it that you think you don’t deserve your absolute best; you must get out of your usual comfort zone.

Whatever your dream might be, begin by reminding yourself that you deserve a bright future, and then invest in yourself by giving your all to you!

Never get cheap when it comes to your happiness.


I have this

One of the greatest obstacles to success is the fear of failure, including the fear of not being able to retake your forward momentum after a setback.

We all have fears, but if we get into the habit of making fear-based decisions we will never reach our full potential. If you let fear paralyze our progress, you will create a blueprint for mediocrity, and you’ll miss out on the priceless lessons only trial and error can provide.


Make your positive self-talk and your action taking habits stronger than your fears.
Overcoming fear is not an overnight process, and it can be uncomfortable to walk out of your habitual way of thinking and acting; but once you get to the top of your performance, the feeling of freedom is incomparable, and the view, spectacular.

Start listening to your voice today.
What are you saying?
Can you succeed?

I bet you do. Do you?

Stay strong!

One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit www.isucorp.ca