The Right Mindset for Successful Networking (Part 3/3) — ISU Corp

The Right Mindset for Successful Networking (Part 3/3)


In previous blogs, we mentioned that successful networking requires the right mindset. We also mentioned that n order to create the right mindset you have to:

  • Become a member of the club
  • Don't keep score
  • Define what's your mission
  • Build it before you need it

We will now discuss the fifth block required to build the right mindset:  Audacity

The genius of audacity:

  • People with a low tolerance for risk whose behavior is guided by fear, have a low propensity for success
  • Mustering the audacity to talk with people who don't know me often simply comes down to balancing the fear I have of embarrassment against the fear of failure and its repercussions. For me, I either ask or I am not successful. That fear always overrides my anxiety about rejection or being embarrassed
  • Find a role model - need someone to unconsciously affirm our own behaviors
  • Learn to speak
  • Get involved
  • Feel most comfortable when you're doing something you enjoy
  • Being a leader in life takes practice, so practice
  • Get therapy
  • Might help you address your own fears and social anxieties in a more productive way
  • Just do it
  • Meeting with one new person a week
  • State the situation. You go right in and hit them with how you see it in the cold light of day, without being too inflammatory or dramatic. You need to know where you stand
  • Communicate your feelings - encounters take on depth and sincerity
  • Deliver the bottom line
  • Use open-ended questions - less threatening 



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