Secrets to Happiness # 6: Retirement Means Time for a New Adventure — ISU Corp

Secrets to Happiness # 6: Retirement Means Time for a New Adventure


The two most dangerous years of our lives are the year we are born ... and the year we retire.

Secret #6 of being happy relates to the dream we all have that is completely wrong: the dream of retiring without having to do anything.


The thing is that the concept of retirement is based on two assumptions which aren't true:

·        people enjoy doing nothing instead of being productive

·        that people can afford to live well for decades without generating any income


Study after study proves that is our social connections that are the single highest driver of our happiness.  Basically, work provides a major social stimulation, even during retirement life.  

The trick is to do something you enjoy by stimulating your senses - share, learn, see, challenge yourself, experience, keep growing.

We don't actually want to do nothing, we just want to do something we love.


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