Behind every problem lies the Gift of Growth

Problems are gifts; it just happens we’re not always able to see beyond its wrapping.

Problems are an inevitable part of life. They always come and go, only sometimes, they tend to come back the same, time after time.

Those are the problems that don’t seem to go away, they stick around longer than usual, and our customary problem-solving methods don’t seem to apply to them; they keep coming back in various different ways, but all the same in essence. And the longer you take in addressing them, the more intensity they display.

This is the Universe (you may call it God, Karma, you name it) have to teach us life lessons in order for us to grow and expand.


We all tend to look at problems as something from the outside world, over which we have little or no control; when in reality, all it would take to resolve would be a little –or sometimes, big- shift in our thinking and behavior.

Inside each of them, there is a lesson we haven’t learned yet, and they will keep appearing until we do.



The approach to these type of recurring problems is never to keep blaming external circumstances; instead, you should look at yourself in the mirror and ask why you keep making poor decisions and still keep expecting different results.

You can look at your problems as immutable outside circumstances, or as obstacles that are there for you to overcome and learn from.


If you choose to look at them as learning opportunities, this is how you can tackle them:


1. Look at the bigger picture.

Ask yourself why you do the things you do. Do you see any patterns there? If you can identify and then interrupt the patterns that don’t serve you, you will get better results.


2. You gotta change something.

You know how the saying goes; if you keep doing the same thing, you’ll keep getting the same results. You got to make a change. Decide what two-degree shift you are willing to commit to in order to turn your sailboat and change your destination –and your outcome, once and for all.


How you look at your problems will influence how you deal with them directly.
If you are able to see the gift of growth inside each obstacle and search for the solution within yourself, you can use them to propel your life forward.



Always remember, life is happening for you, not to you.

Stay strong!

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