The 6 Best Software Solutions

Like anything, software development has regulations and trends that have been followed for months, and then before you know it, there could be a whole new set of trends for the following month. 

In the software market especially, it is integral that we stay current with the top trends of the industry.

Selecting the correct technology solution for your software is vital, since it is one of the keys for a successful and profitable business.


The 6 Best Solutions

1. The MEAN Solution

MEAN = MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js

  • This is the best known tech solution of the year

  • It is a complete JavaScript solution – with only one language throughout

  • This allows you the convenience of reusing code for an entire app, which eliminates the constant need for revamping

  • MEAN is also completely free with open resources to assist such an active community

  • MEAN is an ideal solution for the cloud – since it is so flexible

  • This solution can be set up incredibly easy since it has its own web server

  • Since it uses a single JavaScript group, it can be adaptable


2. The MERN Solution

MERN = MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js

  • MERN has a lot of the same aspects as MEAN by just replacing Angular with React

  • React utilizes the Virtual DOM, meaning that any alterations that need to be made can be achieved seamlessly

  • React also utilizes JSX, which is an altered version of JavaScript – which allows for component work

  • React allows you to build top of the line, single page applications

  • 2020, has been all about improvements: with UI MERN stands to increase

  • The one downside to working with React is developers have realized they have a limited base functionality


REACT is a library, NOT a framework, and this is why developers will end up using additional services.


3. The MEVN Solution

MEVN = MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, Node.js

  • Vue.js is a front-end scheme

  • This scheme has grown in popularity over the last few years and is expected to continue growing

  • Vue.js is a lightweight system in relation to Angular

  • This system provides you with simple out-of-the-box functions – that can be extended using additional services

  • Vue.js is a compilation of the best aspects from both Angular and React, giving you maximum performance


4. The LAMP Solution

LAMP = Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP 

  • Classified as a time-assessed solution of technologies

  • It is one of the most common ways for web applications to be delivered

  • One of the first open-source software solutions – still utilized regularly

  • Because it is so stable, and simple, LAMP is the premium choice for creating new personalized web applications

  • LAMP is so efficient, it has the ability to manage compelling pages where the information changes every time it is loaded

  • LAMP has the ability to be interchanged

  • By substituting “Linux to Microsoft Windows” creating WAMP

  • Or by substituting “Linux to MAC OS” creating MAMP

  • LAMP has one of the most established software ecosystems, since it has been around for over a decade


5. The Serverless Solution

  • This year has been the year for creating a cloud framework, in simpler terms – go serverless

  • Computing on serverless platforms has given us the opportunity and tools to make the framework management more user-friendly

  • This also allows for updates to happen overnight

  • “AWS Lambda” is one of the first serverless platforms

  • Google Cloud also provides significant input to the serverless computing processes


6. Flutter the Web

  • Known as multi-platform development

  • Utilizes the same UI and Business knowledge on every platform

  • Flutter, allows you to not focus on distribution, enabling you to fix bugs and new features without having to accommodate for speed issues

  • Applying a regulated software solution is integral, especially when building software or an application

  • A one-size-fits-all approach will not work with choosing a tech solution

  • You must find a set of tools that allows for special advantages for your application


Keeping up with all the newest trends is a lot of information. 

However, it can be done by checking daily for any new trends that may have come to light overnight. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about software!