Health & Fitness

YOU can create your reality.


I know it’s hard to see and appreciate this fact, especially these days when we all feel like everything we know is spinning out of our control.

You may feel powerless to control what’s happening to you and all around you; anxious about your financial situation, your job, your health, family, relationships, and loved ones.

We’re all dealing with a lot for sure.

But especially now, it’s important that you get to choose how you’re going to show up.

You get to choose… Hope or despair, action or collapse, bravery shaping your future, or fear paralyzing you.

You will attract into your life whatever you focus on; whatever you give your attention and energy to, will come back to you.

This is how things work. Like attracts like. You may believe it or not, but it wouldn’t matter (the same way it wouldn’t matter whether or not you believe in the law of gravity; if you take a step off a ledge, you’re going to fall).

If you are feeling anxious, stressed out, angry or afraid, you’re sending out that negative energy and it will come back to you.

On the other hand, if you are feeling excited, enthusiastic, passionate, hopeful, joyful, you name it… then you’re sending out positive energy, and it will also come back to you.

The universe will respond to both of these vibrations. It doesn’t decide or evaluate which one is better for you, it just responds to whatever you’re creating and sending out, and it gives you more of the same… you always get what you give.

Your thoughts have a specific vibration that will attract whatever vibrates in the same frequency.

Whatever you’re thinking and feeling at any given time is your undeniable request to the universe, and it will respond every time; no exceptions.

If you want to take control of your life, you need to make sure that your thoughts and feelings are aligned with those of the things and experiences you want to have.

If joy and happiness are what you want to attract, then you need to start having thoughts and feelings of joy and happiness now so, just like a radio, your frequency is in tune to receive them.

Once you understand and accept how this works, you will start to consciously and intentionally create a better life.

So, what’s it going to be?

Life has just presented you with a unique opportunity to start showing up as the best version of yourself, and develop the skills you need to come through this current challenging experience more resilient, more capable, and more focused on achieving success than ever before!

Will you rise to meet the challenge?

See you next week.
Stay strong!



One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit

How to Get the Healthy Body and Mind You Want 3


Continuing with our series of strategies, we’ll talk today about water and water-rich foods.

As you know, water is the basic and major component of all living matter; and it is the largest single component of your body. For instance, your brain is 76% water (and I’m not saying it as an insult! J); the lungs are 90% water, blood is 84%, and plasma 98%.

There is no successful diet or exercise plan without the right amount of water in it. Main body functions such as digestion, circulation, and excretion cannot happen without it. It is used to carry and distribute nutrients to all vital body substances, plays a crucial role in keeping the necessary body temperature, and serves as a building material for growth and repair.

If you want to be and stay healthy, you need to drink above half your body weight in ounces a day… for example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you should be drinking 80 ounces of water daily.

Also, see that at least 70% of your diet consists of water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables (and know that 1/5 of your daily intake of water comes from what you eat).


Here’s a list of ten fruits and vegetables for you to consider including in your diet:

Cucumber, 96% water

Tomatoes, 95% water

Spinach, 93% water

Mushrooms, 92% water

Melon, 91% water

Broccoli, 90% water

Brussel sprouts, 88% water

Oranges, 86% water

Apples, 85% water

Blueberries, 84% water


Next week we’ll cover the topic of essential oils and their importance to your diet and overall health.

Until then, stay strong!


One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit


How to Get the Healthy Body and Mind You Want

Are you one of the many people out there who are not completely satisfied with your physical state? Do you feel you lack the energy to get you through your daily routine? Do you feel the same about your state of mind?

These days, you can easily get your hands to hundreds –if not thousands- of health, weight loss, and appearance improvement products; but even so, in the US alone, two thirds of the population is overweight, millions suffer from diabetes, and half the country is on some kind of prescription drug for health or psychological problems.
But all those problems are not to be fixed by means of technology, science or pharmacology; these are nothing but shortcuts and band-aid solutions… they don’t deal with the real problem.

If you want to make a real and lasting change in your life, you must commit to a healthy mind and body, and learn how to renew and transform the level of physical health, energy, and vitality that you experience every day.

One good way to bring this change into your life is by using 12 Strategies to master your health:

1: optimize breathing and lymphatic cleansing
2: water and live foods
3: essential oils
4: alkalinity
5: aerobic energy
6: boost your nourishment
7: structural alignment and maximum strength
8: direct your mind and heart
9: eliminate or reduce processed fats
10: eliminate or reduce animal flesh
11: eliminate or reduce dairy products
12: eliminate or reduce acid addictions


By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you’re not only improving your health; you’re holding yourself to a higher standard. You are making a commitment to your whole well-being (including body, mind, and emotion).

Daring to face this challenge, not only you will feel better and experience greater energy; you will also find a renewed sense of excitement, joy and endless possibilities for your life.


In the following articles, we will cover each of the strategies in detail, giving you also ideas of how to put them into practice.

Until then, stay strong!



One of the core values we have as a company is to inspire and empower people in all aspects of their lives. Additionally, if you want to read about our Custom Software Solutions and Consulting Services, please visit