
Benefits of Cloud-Based Email

Email is one of the most important communication tools for businesses. Internal email services housed on your servers used to be gold standards for many businesses, but now an increasing number of businesses are moving their email services to the cloud. As there should be – Cloud-based options offer far greater scalability and flexibility than server-based email.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the major benefits that come with implementing a Cloud-based email.

1. Cost Savings

Cloud-based email is a subscription service model, so businesses do not need to purchase servers or software licenses. Getting rid of large capital expenses and changing your email to monthly or annual operating expenses allows for significant cost savings in managing and maintaining the email environment.

2. Easier Disaster Recovery 

Imagine a situation where your internal server or network becomes compromised, then all the data (contract agreements, spreadsheets) in your emails are at risk. Losing all that vital information could cause issues for your business. With Cloud-based emails, problems with hardware don’t matter because all of your emails are stored in the cloud. Your records are more recoverable – since they are always there.

3. Flexible Scalability

With the flexible scalability that Cloud-based email provides, you can increase your email size without major changes to the environment itself. If your business grows, you can modify your user license and storage size depending on your needs.

4. Remote Access

Due to the pandemic, most organizations had to switch to operating remotely. Cloud-based email can be accessed immediately from anywhere, on any device, as long as you have an internet connection (and there’s almost wifi everywhere these days!). The convenient remote access to emails improves productivity as email accounts now have the ability to sync up simultaneously.

5. Improved Security

Using a Cloud-based email means you are using a secure email environment. Your corporate emails will reside in a highly safe location, that is more secure than on-premises. Moreover, Cloud-based email providers devote more resources to securing their facilities than other organizations.

6. Collaboration

The benefit of Cloud-based emails is enhancing collaborative work efforts amongst your business team. You will be able to gain instant access to the latest information available about the ongoing projects. Cloud-based email allows for real-time project collaboration and document editing, as well as instant project updates.

Bottom Line

Cloud email gets rid of the stress and time consuming factors linked with traditional server-based email systems. Cloud email is always up to date with all the recent security features. If your system goes down, you don’t have to worry about losing your data because it is saved in the cloud.

To enjoy all the benefits of cloud email, you must choose a trustworthy cloud provider. If you see your business benefiting from a cloud email service, contact us to begin your trustworthy set-up!


Choose The Right Cloud Service For Your Business - Saas vs IaaS vs Paas

The future of business is computing based on the internet. Instead of running applications or programs from software downloaded on a physical computer or server, cloud computing accesses these same applications through the internet.

The cloud is everywhere and you probably use it every day without knowing it. Checking your bank balance online? You're in the cloud. Sending an email on your phone? You’re in the cloud again. Cloud is becoming the new normal and it's beneficial for your business to adapt to this technology to save you time and money. 

The Benefits of the Cloud

Flexibility - Cloud services allow you to easily scale down or up your computing resources. That means it's perfect for businesses with growing or fluctuating bandwidth demands. 

Affordable - Cloud services are more cost-effective as they eliminate the costs associated with hardware upgrades and maintenance etc

Secure - Cloud services use industry-leading security protocols keeping your business's information even more protected.

Now that you know the benefits of the cloud in general, you might be wondering which cloud service model should you choose?

Cloud Service Models - Saas vs IaaS vs PaaS

Cloud models come in three types: SaaS (Software as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service). Each of the cloud models has its own set of benefits that could serve a bunch of different businesses. The following is a brief description of the three types of cloud models and their benefits.

SaaS - Software as a Service

SaaS is a model where the vendor controls the entire computing stack that you then access using a web browser. This gives you quick access to cloud-based web applications. The applications run on the cloud and you can access them with paid subscriptions or limited access. The cloud creates even more ease as it does not require any installations and downloads in your existing computing infrastructure. Examples of SaaS include Google G Suite, Microsoft Office 365, Dropbox etc.

Pros of SaaS

Affordable - eliminates the costs involved in the purchase, installation, maintenance and upgrades of computing hardware.

Accessible - Allows you to access the services from anywhere on any device 

Ready to use - No long set up times all that is needed is to sign up. 

Who is SaaS good for?

SaaS is ideal for small-scale businesses that do not have the necessary budget and resources to deploy on-premise hardware. As well, companies that require frequent collaboration on their projects will find SaaS platforms useful.

IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service

IaaS is a virtual provision of computing resources over the cloud. Cloud provided in IaaS can give you a range of computing infrastructures such as storage, servers, networking hardware alongside maintenance and support. This allows businesses to opt for computing resources without having it be on their premises. Examples include Amazon Web services. Microsoft Azure and Google Compute Engine.

Pros of IaaS

Minimize Costs - Eliminates the need for on-premise hardware thus reducing costs

Enhanced Scalability - Most flexible clouding service allowing you to scale up or down as needed

Simple Deployment - Easy to deploy servers, processing, storage, and networking allowing you to be up and running in no time. 

Who is IaaS good for?

IaaS is the most flexible model for cloud services giving you control over hardware infrastructure allowing you to customize according to your needs. Whether you are running a startup or a large enterprise, IaaS gives access to computing resources without the need to invest in them separately. 

PaaS - Platform as a Service

PaaS is a cloud base where you can develop, test and organize the different applications for your business. By using PaaS you can simplify the process of enterprise software development. This form of the cloud allows the resources offered to be managed by the company or platform provider. Examples of this type of cloud: Google App Engine and AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

Pros of PaaS

Minimal development time - the vendor provides all the computing resources needed thus simplifying the process

Multiple Programming Language Support - Supports multiple programming languages 

Enhanced Collaboration - Makes it easier to collaborate with teams especially if they are all in different locations.

Who is PaaS good for?

PaaS is a great option if your project involves multiple vendors and developers. It's very easy to create custom applications since all the essential computing and networking resources are leased. PaaS simplifies the app development process that minimizes your organizational costs.


After reading this article you should have a basic understanding of the benefits of the cloud and how each type can help your business. To summarize, IaaS is perfect if you need a complete virtual computing platform. SaaS is better suited if you just need cloud-based software like emails, social media and productivity tools. And finally, PaaS is great if you want to develop and test your software applications.

Get in touch with our experts today to know more about our cloud services and how they can specifically help your business.